Scott Black
Grade Levels
01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12
School Type
Linn County
Overall Performance
Rating Categories and Scores
Rating Category (Prior to Drops) | % of Points Earned | Elementary/Middle School Points Earned | High School Points Earned |
Exceptional | 78.25% and above | 547.75 and above | 704.25 and above |
High Performing | 69.60% - 78.24% | 487.20 - 547.74 | 626.40 - 704.24 |
Commendable | 60.95% - 69.59% | 426.65 - 487.19 | 548.55 - 626.39 |
Acceptable | 52.30% - 60.94% | 366.10 - 426.64 | 470.70 - 548.54 |
Needs Improvement | 42.37% - 52.29% | 296.59 - 366.09 | 381.33 - 470.69 |
Priority/Comprehensive | 42.36% and below | 296.58 and below | 381.32 and below |
Rating Category Drop
ESSA Support Category
No Support RequiredUnderstanding Overall Performance
The overall performance includes both an overall score and performance rating for all Iowa schools across a number of performance measures. In addition, the Every Student Succeeds Act performance category identifies schools who are struggling or who have student groups who are underperforming. The overall score provides a single number which is the sum of the measures below. It provides a snapshot of school performance, but may not tell the entire story about performance of students in that school.
Overall Performance Trend |
The Overall Performance trend determines the rating category for a school as below over the years. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||