
Scott Black


Grade Levels
01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12

School Type

Linn County

Overall Performance  


ESSA Support Category

No Support Required
*Index Score From Other School(s) (see below for more details)

Understanding Overall Performance

The overall performance includes both an overall score and performance rating for all Iowa schools across a number of performance measures. In addition, the Every Student Succeeds Act performance category identifies schools who are struggling or who have student groups who are underperforming. The overall score provides a single number which is the sum of the measures below. It provides a snapshot of school performance, but may not tell the entire story about performance of students in that school.


Student Subgroups

Because this school did not have enough variables to calculate a valid index score, the index score given to this school has been mapped from the average index score from the following school(s).

Prairie High School