Cory Allison
Grade Levels
KG, 01, 02
School Type
Polk County
Overall Performance
Rating Categories and Scores
Rating Category (Prior to Drops) | % of Points Earned | Elementary/Middle School Points Earned | High School Points Earned |
Exceptional | 78.25% and above | 547.75 and above | 704.25 and above |
High Performing | 69.60% - 78.24% | 487.20 - 547.74 | 626.40 - 704.24 |
Commendable | 60.95% - 69.59% | 426.65 - 487.19 | 548.55 - 626.39 |
Acceptable | 52.30% - 60.94% | 366.10 - 426.64 | 470.70 - 548.54 |
Needs Improvement | 42.37% - 52.29% | 296.59 - 366.09 | 381.33 - 470.69 |
Priority/Comprehensive | 42.36% and below | 296.58 and below | 381.32 and below |
Rating Category Drop
ESSA Support Category
No Support RequiredUnderstanding Overall Performance
The overall performance includes both an overall score and performance rating for all Iowa schools across a number of performance measures. In addition, the Every Student Succeeds Act performance category identifies schools who are struggling or who have student groups who are underperforming. The overall score provides a single number which is the sum of the measures below. It provides a snapshot of school performance, but may not tell the entire story about performance of students in that school.
Overall Performance Trend |
The Overall Performance trend determines the rating category for a school as below over the years. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||